Thursday, March 10, 2011

Adios, Lumberton!

so in med school, we have "clinical weeks," formerly known as "community weeks," where we spend one week out at a community clinic, 5 different times over the first two years of school. i've been working in a pediatric clinic in lumberton, nc, with some great doctors and some interesting patients.

this week was my last week there, and i decided to contribute to robeson county's insurmountable obesity epidemic by making some mini-muffins for the staff at the clinic. just my way of saying "thanks." i gave amit some credit too - didn't wanna make him look bad ;) i made three types, all featured below. i think the banana choco ones topped them all. funny, cause those were my "semi-homemade" ones. better than boxed, better than scratch. gotta love it!

yeah, i've got some time on my hands. so martha stewart of me. 
apple cinnamon quick bread - straight from pillsbury. 
chocolate banana muffins = semi-homemade fave.
chocolate cake mix with banana mixed in, with a cream cheese & banana filling inside.
from-scratch blueberry oatmeal muffins.
not that great, i promise, but the recipe is here.

as if this wasn't enough, amit and i stumbled upon a panaderia during an extended lunch break on our last day of clinic. took me back to my el salvador days, eating nothing but pan dulce since my host mom didn't understand why anyone on earth could be vegetarian. i gained a healthy 15 pounds that summer. therefore, despite the chokingly sweet aroma that had me pining for a loaf of everything, i managed to strong-arm amit into only getting one delectable treat. and lord, was it good.

so, for now, goodbye lumberton

and hello treadmill

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